

2022/07/08 點閱數:1665



《藝術認證》No. 98(2022.06)尋件啟事

Art Accrediting No. 98: The Search of Artworks






高美館官網: https://reurl.cc/M0qbYK
博客來: https://reurl.cc/6ZrZ9y
誠品: https://reurl.cc/7D5Dmd
Hyread電子書: https://reurl.cc/loGol6
UDN電子書: https://reurl.cc/7D5DWy

 I. 尋件啟事 Features
II. 南方視野 Southern Aspects
III. 展演觀察 Exhibition Insights
IV. 南島人物 Whose Memory?
生火、生活與神話:拔舒浪.魯魯安(Pasulange Druluan)的藝術|許瀞月
拉飛.邵馬(Lafin Sawmah):大地與海洋交織的臉孔|陳豪毅




Inspired by the Lumière exhibition, we used the topic of “The Search of Artworks”. Talk about what is the reason for making the artworks disappear or appear. Put the clues together, it’s not only to restore the elapsed or the historical background. It also can make our view to be broad, and create a fresh perspective.

I. Features
The Search for Taiwanese Art History: The Significance of Water of Immortality |Yen Chuan-Ying
The Search for Huang Ching-Cheng: Notes on the Sculptor’s Life in the South |Hsu Po-Han
Lost and Found: Klimt and the Ongoing Search for Truth |Liao Wei-Chu
The Life History of a Paining in the Museum: The Discovery and Collection of Shiotsuki Toho's Tokugawa Ieyasu Meeting the Pangcah People (1923) at the National Taiwan Museum |Li Tzu-Ning
The List of Taiwanese Artworks Awaiting Rediscovery: A Brief Introduction of Collections of the Public Sector During the Japanese Reign and the Nationalist Government |Liu Chi-Yu
Stories of Disappearance and Recovery: Welcome to Noah Charney’s The Museum of Lost Art |Eleanor Wang

II. Southern Aspects
The Lumière Exhibition in the South: Talk between Director Yulin Lee and Chiang Po-Shin |Megan Lan
Yeh Tao and the Social Movements She Participated |Yang Tsui
The Visible and Invisible: The Landscapes of Taiwan Cultural Movement in Kaohsiung |Chen Kun-Yi
The Tug Between Art and Society: Nude Works in the Conservative South |Lien Tzu-Yi

III. Exhibition Insights
The Awakening of Taiwan Consciousness Amid the Merge of the East and West: The Birth and Rebirth of Water of Immortality |Eka Suzuki
"Torchlight Tour in the Art Museum": Aura in the Dark |Tammy Yu-Ting Hsieh, Li Chih-Ying, Tian Chia-Ying

IV. 南島人物 Whose Memory?
Living Matters and Mythology: The Art of Pasulange Druluan |Hsu Ching-Yeh
Lafin Sawmah: The Face Woven by the Earth and the Ocean |Akac Orat

V. Abstract


