
Le Folauga ─繼往開來:紐西蘭當代太平洋藝術

097/12/13 ~ 098/04/05


Room 101-102, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts

Le Folauga ─繼往開來:紐西蘭當代太平洋藝術

  “Le Folauga”展原於2007年間展於紐西蘭國立奧克蘭戰爭紀念博物館,為奧克蘭戰爭紀念博物館與紐西蘭Tautai當代太平洋藝術信託共同合辦之ㄧ項當代藝術展,被認為是近年來在紐西蘭最好的當代太平洋藝術展。

  高美館為了積極促進太平洋地區南島族群社會的對話與交流,特別與Tautai當代太平洋藝術信託合作,重新組構“Le Folauga”展覽到台灣於高美館展出,期盼這項集結了紐西蘭目前最傑出活躍的太平洋裔藝術家佳作之展覽,能夠帶給台灣觀眾不同的藝術視野,也提供同為南島語族的台灣原住民族及藝術家更多思考的軸線與更多靈感的啟發。

  The exhibition ‘Le Folauga’ which was held at the Auckland War Memorial Museum, New Zealand during March and April 2007, was a partnership between the Auckland War Memorial Museum and the Tautai Contemporary Pacific Arts Trust.

 Curated by Tautai trustees Ms Fulimalo Pereira (Creator, Pacific, Auckland Art Museum) and Mr. Ron Brownson (Senior Curator, New Zealand and Pacific, Auckland Art Gallery), Le Folauga features a representative sample of the participating artists who are showing work in a wide variety of media are among the leading contemporary visual artists in New Zealand. As part of the long term ‘Contemporary Austronesian Art Project’ which has been organized and implemented by the Museum since 2006, this exhibition has been reconfigured to be shown at the museum in an attempt to inspire the audience and artists of Taiwan and to promote dialogue and exchanges in Austronesian societies of the Pacific region.
指導單位:高雄市政府、高雄市政府文化局、Creative New Zeland紐西蘭國家藝術委員會、紐西蘭ASB銀行社區信託
主辦: 高雄市立美術館、紐西蘭TAUTAI當代太平洋藝術信託
協辦單位:奧克蘭市立藝廊(紐西蘭)、奧克蘭博物館(紐西蘭)、紐西蘭商工辦事處(台北)、Robert Kaiwai先生(前紐西蘭商工辦事處副代表)、Jennifer Chang女士(紐西蘭商工辦事處)

Edith Amituanai 艾蒂絲.雅密杜雅奈
Leanne Clayton 蕾雅妮.科蕾頓
Fatu Feu'u 法圖.斐烏烏
Steven Gwaliasi 史蒂芬.瓜力亞希
Niki Hastings McFall 妮基.海思汀.麥可芙兒
Lonnie Hutchinson 蘿妮.胡琴桑
Leilani Kake 蕾拉妮.卡柯
Shigeyuki Kihara 木原
Andy Leleisi'uao 安迪.雷雷希烏奧
Janet Lilo 珍妮.莉蘿
Itiri Ngaro 伊帝利.納若
Ani O'Neill 安妮.歐妮兒
Johnny Penisula 強尼.培寧蘇拉
Filipe Tohi 索波雷馬拉馬.菲利普.托希
Michel Tuffery 邁克.杜佛瑞
Jim Vivieaere 吉姆.維維亞雷