
2016 Pulima 藝術獎 - o loma no adingo靈魂的所在

105/11/05 ~ 106/02/05


Room 201-203, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts

2016 Pulima 藝術獎 - o loma no adingo靈魂的所在

  「2016 Pulima藝術獎」旨在體現台灣原住民族主體精神之創作,並藉展覽呈現原住民藝術的時代面貌。本展覽關注當今原住民創作者如何理解與感知現世處境,面對全球化與殖民現代性的侵襲,原住民議題如何以更廣泛且多元的方式來討論?我們將透過中青輩藝術家的創作來重新省視個人與文化的連結,同時溯源與創造當下,開創傳統及未來之間的詮釋和想像,也為下一世代展開建構主體歷史的道路。

  The 2016 Pulima Art Award aims to represent the spirit of indigenous peoples in Taiwan as the subject of their artistic creation and the different facets of Taiwan’s contemporary indigenous arts. This exhibition focuses on how contemporary indigenous artists in Taiwan perceive and interpret their current conditions amidst the impacts of globalization and modern cultural colonization and how issues about indigenous peoples can be discussed in broader and more diverse fashions. Through the works by young and middle generations of indigenous artists in this exhibition, we intend to reflect upon the connections between individuals and cultures, conceive different interpretations and imaginations about tradition and future, and explore a path for the next generation to create their own history.


Eleng Luluan 峨冷‧魯魯安(安聖惠)
Labay Neyong 林介文
Pacake Taugadhu 杜寒菘
Adaw Palaf Langasan 阿道‧巴辣夫‧冉而山(冉而山劇場)
Watan Tusi(Tai Body Theatre) 瓦旦‧督喜(TAI身體劇場)
Bulareyaung Pagarlava 布拉瑞揚‧帕格勒法
Dondon Hounwn 東冬‧侯溫
Biung Ismahasan 彼勇‧依斯瑪哈單
Nikal 陳曄瑩
Lahok Oding 曾秉芳
Lin, Chun-chieh 林春節
Tuwak Tuyaw & Chen, Shu-yen(PateRongan Handmade Studio) 杜瓦克‧都耀+陳淑燕(巴特虹岸手作坊)
Iyo Kacaw 伊祐‧噶照
Sipnadan 江薇玲
Nitjan Takivakit 尼誕‧達給伐歷
Lavuras Matilin 拉夫拉斯‧馬帝靈
Baru Madiljin 巴魯‧瑪迪霖
Eval Malinjinnan 依法兒‧瑪琳奇那
Lavurase Dalapadhane 唐昌浦
Ruby Swana 魯碧‧司瓦那
Nicolas Mole 尼古拉‧莫雷