Office aaa

沈弘軒 Shen Hung Hsuan
魏子鈞 Wei Tze Chun
吳承軒 Wu Cheng Hsuan

Office aaa


Office aaa 究境聯合建築師事務所由沈弘軒、魏子鈞和吳承軒在2013年創立,三人先後由英國倫敦大學及荷蘭 Berlage Institute 留學工作回來後投入建築實務與研究教學,在2020年獲得ADA新銳建築特別獎。比起堆疊想法和型式,office aaa 傾向消除或隱藏某些事物,讓作品呈現「一個理想」。office aaa 的作品不是紋理式的建構,是對城市深層邏輯的研究;不是對美學的沉迷,是對建築思考強度的試探。作品包含公共建築、私人委託以及藝術展覽。

Office aaa founded in taichung by hung-hsuan shen, tze-chun wei and cheng-hsuan wu in 2013, after their studies at ucl bartlett in london and berlage institute in rotterdam, they engaged with practice and teaching. office aaa awarded ada awards for emerging architects special prize in 2020. The firm tends to reduce architecture to its very fundamental quality, in order to present its refining idea. The project is not contextual but rooted in the deep structure of the city; not obsessed with superficial aesthetics but to explore the strength of architectural thinking. Its body of work includes civic projects, exhibitions as well as private projects.


貨櫃屋 Primitive Hut

 數位展出 | 7.3x14.7x5.9m

Covid-19改變了人們的生活/社交方式,「聚集」似乎成了現今社會的敏感詞彙。後疫情的時代來臨,面對新的世界,社會體系該如何維繫下去? 「貨櫃屋」(Primitive Hut) 帶我們回歸原始,重新探討「聚集|火爐」所衍生的人文意義,再次找回人文發展的起源,並重燃我們對於新生命及新生活的冀望。

Covid-19 has changed how we live and socialize. “Assembly of people” has seemed to become a sensitive term in modern society. With the arrival of the post-pandemic era, how can the existing social system continue in the new world? This work, Primitive Hut, is intended to take us to the beginning of human civilizations, revisit the social meanings of “people assembling around the fire”, and rekindle our hope for a new life and a new way of living.


展覽日期: 2021/12/25 ~ 2022/02/28
參觀時間: 13:00 ~ 21:00 (夜間照明至23:59)


Email: containerartsfestial@gmail.com
Phone: +886 (7) 555-0331 #292、237
Fax: +886 (7) 555-0307