
詹明旎 Minnie Jan
長友大輔 Daisuke Nagatomo
李雨倢 Zoe Li
郭樺 Hua Kuo



在日本,稱腦漿為「腦味噌」,意指智慧的精髓,如同他們創辦米索空間設計的初衷:藉由腦力激盪的方式,不斷地挖掘更多可能性與創新的設計。自從美國綠建築委員會(USGBC) 的LEED認證為專業人士後,他們深刻了解環境與有限資源的直接連帶性,其設計的概念,不斷採用新的思路和減少浪費材料。隨著數位技術的進步,詹明旎與長友大輔開始運用系統思維方式的家具設計,並發掘能夠結合功能與環保,令人驚喜的新組合。獎項如台灣金點設計獎年度最佳設計獎、義大利A’Design Award 白金獎,Best Design of the Year Award 、台灣室內設計大獎等。

In Japanese, the brain is called “Nomiso”, meaning the essence of wisdom. This term echoes with the name of MisoSoupDesign, a design studio created by Daisuke Nagatomo and Minnie Jan with a view to continuously exploring more possibilities and innovative designs through brainstorming. Since their LEED certification from the US Green Building Council (USGBC), they have been deeply aware of the connections between environment and limited resources; therefore, their designs are characterized with innovative concepts and reduction of material waste. Amidst the advancement of digital technology, Daisuke Nagatomo and Minnie Jan start to incorporate systematic thoughts in their eye-opening designs of furniture that combines functionality and environmental friendliness. They won several major domestic and international awards such as the Best Design of Golden Pin Design Award; A’Design Award—Platinum, Italy; Best Design of the Year Award; and Taiwan Interior Design Award.


新蹤跡 Trace of Nova

 數位展出 | 12.6x5.7x2.5m

在遠古時代,星星不再是獨立的個體,依星辨位成為指引人們道路的指標。星圖因人的需求而生,星體由此相互連結,星系的定義從此改變,「發現」及「存在」創造出人類文明的意義。2021年,我們在高雄發現了「新蹤跡」(Trace of Nova)的身影,一個散落於高雄的星系圖;一場未知的探索之旅即將啟程,讓我們一同發掘新蹤跡深藏的軌跡。

In the eyes of ancient people, stars were not separate entities but stellar constellations that could provide directional guidance. Out of people’s need, the star atlas was created, showing stars connected in constellations and changing the definition of galaxy. With “discovery” and “existence”, the meanings of human civilizations have been created. In 2021, we discover the Trace of Nova in Kaohsiung, a galaxy scattered in Kaohsiung. An unknown exploration journey is about to start. Let’s discover together the hidden trace of Nova.


展覽日期: 2021/12/25 ~ 2022/02/28
參觀時間: 13:00 ~ 21:00 (夜間照明至23:59)


Email: containerartsfestial@gmail.com
Phone: +886 (7) 555-0331 #292、237
Fax: +886 (7) 555-0307