Moving and Migration – Stories from a Place to Other

2019.02.23 - 2019.05.19 KMFA Galleries 201~203

Curators: Wu, Shang-Lin (Taiwan), Kim Yoonseo (Korea)

An Yuri (KR) 、Eleng LuLuan (TW)、Kao Junhonn (TW)、Hou Lulu Shur-Tzy (TW)、Hsu Su-Chen & Lu Chien-Ming (TW)、Jeoung Jae Choul (KR)、Kim Oksun (KR)、Lee Moon Joo (KR)、Lee Woosung (KR)、Labay Eyong (TW)、Lu Yu-Jui (TW)、Mixrice (KR)、Na Hyun (KR)、Nils Clauss & Lee Udo (GR & KR)、Shen Chao-Liang (TW)、Sun Mu (KR)、Tommaso Muzzi (IT)、Yao Juichung (TW)、Yoon Soo Jung (KR)

Migration gives rise to human history. Why do humans choose to migrate? What is the driving force behind it? Perhaps it is to escape natural disasters, climate change, persecution of wars, or for a better life that urges people to leave their homelands in pursuit of a more suitable living environment. People move and migrate in order to create new opportunities for personal survivals which might eventually end up in failure. Humans have gone from moving on foot to adopting modified transporting methods and technologies by learning to ride on animals for transportation and by inventing various different vehicles such as automobiles, boats, aeroplanes. In today’s Internet era, people can simply use the communication software on their phone to effectively facilitate mobility to the extent of enjoying virtual travelling without physically shifting one’s body.
The international contemporary art exchange exhibition, Moving and Migration – Stories from a Place to Other, is curated jointly by Shang-Lin Wu (from Taiwan) and Kim Yoonseo (from South Korea) in an international partnership connecting the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts and Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art. Totally 19 groups and 22 artists from at home and abroad are invited to participate in this exhibition with their outstanding works of different types. This exhibition is composed of three sub-thematic sections: “Don’t forget/잊지마”, “Where/어디”, and “Wandering /방랑”.Focusing on the processes and mutual influences of human migration among different regions, this exhibition will reveal images, sounds, and stories that we are not familiar with or have never seen or heard before from the perspectives of time, space, geography, vegetation, lifestyle, technology, and many more. This exhibition will also reflect the problems facing society and environment nowadays and explore how artists look at history and discover the actual contents and meanings hidden behind the society and communities they belong to.
Whether leaving homelands out of aspiration or out of frustration, immigrants have to face their first challenge after arriving at their destinations—learning the local languages. At the exhibition venue, viewers can frequently see intertwined plants and flowers that form the Chinese and Korean titles of the three sub-thematic sections, providing clues for them to appreciate the works; take in the messages of the works; and empathize with immigrants’ bewilderment, thoughts, and feelings of living in an unfamiliar land.


Don’t forget/잊지마
Forgotten History
History is indeed often closely connected with the dark and bitter memories of many people. Taiwan and Korea share several commonalities in their history. During the Cold War and modern history period, they both had to struggle for survival in the tug of war for dominance between powerful countries. The separation of North and South Korea and the Chinese Civil War between Kuomintang and Chinese Communist Party both broke many families apart. Since ancient times, Korean people have moved to China and other countries around the world and set their roots there while Taiwan received immigrants from the Austronesian region thousands of years ago and immigrants from the southeastern coast of China hundreds of years ago. Along with the globalization of modern capitalism, the integration of migrant workers and new immigrants has become an important factor changing the social structures in both countries.
What constitutes the sense of a place or space? Smell, sound and/or objects? Or skyscrapers built on the site of leveled houses, iridescent mobile stage trucks on the streets, splendidly decorated temples on the mountain top, and/or completely deserted ruins? The same geographic location has different names, meanings, and stories to different people and communities. Continuously drifting and moving around in the ocean, fishermen rely on the ocean currents, stars, compass, or GPS to know their position and navigate. To them, the so-called “sense of a place” is probably their memories of the ocean, cabin, and deck during their seaborne journey.
Wandering Seeds
Human migration is much like plant seeds travelling to places with the wind, the ocean or even by attaching to animals. A few lucky ones will end up on lands where they can settle and take root. People in Taiwan came from many different places. They left their homelands to embark on long journeys taking with them not only necessary substances for survival, but also plant seeds from homelands to cultivate in their destinations. Whether they are Korean people living in China, aborigines, Han people, migrant workers, or new immigrants from Vietnam, the Philippines and Indonesia, they always miss the flavors of home cooking after their homelands, besides having to adapt to new environments. Seeds are easy to carry as one moves about, and have great potential of propagation. Foreign species of plants also have an influence on their new environments just like the immigrants who brought the seeds in the first place.


Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts
Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art

Supported by Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government
Organized by Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art
Curated by Hot Spring Project Studio, Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art
Sponsors: National Culture and Arts Foundation, Taiwan, 
TUNG HO Steel Enterprise Corp., Taiwan
Appointed De-formaldehyde Coating Sponsor: HOPAX
Appointed Hotel: Legend Hotel

侯淑姿   二部曲:長日將盡(局部)  2015  彩色攝影輸出  70×140cm×20
Hou Lulu Shur-tzy  Episode II   Remains of the Day (partial)  C-Print Photography

李宇城  今日,而非明日之歌  2017  黑色打底劑、布料  210×210cm×3
Lee Woosung  A song for today, not tomorrow  black gesso on fabric

展場一景。姚瑞中作品〈領袖〉 混合媒材
A glimpse of the exhibition
Yao Juichung  Leader  Mixed media installation

丁宰澈  藍色海洋計劃  2016  海洋垃圾  尺寸可變
Jeoung Jae Choul  Blue Ocean Project  Ocean trash  dimensions variable

丁宰澈  藍色海洋計劃  2016  海洋垃圾  尺寸可變
 Jeoung Jae Choul  Blue Ocean Project   Ocean trash   dimensions variable

A glimpse of the exhibition

A glimpse of the exhibition

A glimpse of the exhibition

本地_seoho1561, 2014; 本地_beopwhan2115, 2012; 本地_beopwhan19, 2014; 本地_beopwhan225, 2014; 本地_dosoon835, 2013; 本地_wolpyung4191, 2012; 無題_dosoon819, 2013; 無題_wolpyung142, 2013
Kim Oksun
Local_seoho1561, 2014; Local_beopwhan2115, 2012; Local_beopwhan19, 2014; Local_beopwhan225, 

展場一景。許淑真&盧建銘 〈流亡的種子〉
A glimpse of the exhibition
Hsu Su-Chen & Lu Chien Ming Seed of Refugee

尹洙竫  品茶之旅日誌  複合媒材裝置  隨空間調整
Yoon Soo Jung  Tea Travel Dairy  Mixed media installation

羅賢  漂流的植物-台東  2018  複合媒材裝置  尺寸可變
Na Hyun  Plant Floating  Mixed media installation  size variable

盧昱瑞  魷釣船―起錨&水路  2018  錄像、彩色照片  隨空間調整
Lu Yu-Jui  Squid Jigger Vessel: Set Sail & Sea Route  Video, photography

侯淑姿 二部曲:長日將盡  彩色攝影輸出
A glimpse of the exhibition
Hou Lulu Shur-tzy Episode II Remains of the Day  C-Print Photography

姚瑞中  萬歲  2012  單頻道彩色有聲錄像  05:30
Yao Juichung  Long Life  Single Channel Video with sound

許淑真&盧建銘私  流亡的種子(局部)  2013-2014  數位版畫  高雄市立美術館典藏
Hsu Su-Chen & Lu Chien Ming  Seed of Refugee (partial)   Digital Print    Collection of Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts

線無  校外旅行  2009  油彩、畫布  193×130cm
Sun Mu  School Trip  Oil on Canvas