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2020/2/1 (六) 18:30-20:30
高美館南島園區 等你的地方-工寮

《太陽的孩子 Wawa No Cida》

導演:鄭有傑、勒嘎 ‧ 舒米

演員:阿洛 ‧ 卡力亭 ‧ 巴奇辣、徐詣帆、許金財、吳燕姿、林嘉均



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Director : CHENG Yu-Chieh、Lekal Sumi

Cast : Ado’ Kaliting Pacidal、Bokeh Kosang、Kaco Lekal、Dongi Kacaw、Rahic Gulas Running Time: 99mins

Rating : G

Genre : Drama

Language : Mandarin

Subtitle : Chinese

If only every child in the sun can be proud of herself;

If only every child in the sun can sing out loud her song in her own language;

If only every child in the sun can stand legitimately in her land, in the place where no one shall banish her.

How long has it since you've been home? Could it happen that someday when you thought about going home, you found that everything had changed?


The sapphire pacific ocean and the golden rice fields - that was Panay’s impression of her hometown as a child. To provide her father and two children a better life, Panay was struggling in the city alone until a sudden disease attacked her father. She rushed home only to find out that since no idea when, all the fields of gold had been turned into tourist hotels. She was worried that if this kept happening, what kind of land there would be left to the next generation. So she made the decision to repair the water ditches and restore farming. However, it was not so easy as there were all kinds of setbacks and tests in front of her. She taught her children in gentle but solid actions: Never give up! Our homelands are ours to protect.


804 高雄市鼓山區美術館路80號
週二至週日 11:00 - 18:00


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