策展人: 曾媚珍 / 高美館資深研究員

Curator/ Mei-chen Tseng, Senior Researcher, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts



專案研究「南島當代藝術」,策劃「陷阱:2019高雄國際貨櫃藝術節」、「WAWA:南島當代藝術」、「邊界敘譜—撒古流vs拉黑子」雙個展、「跨・藩籬-台灣原住民當代藝術海外展」、「蒲伏靈境—山海子民的追尋之路」等原住民藝術展覽。2016年受紐西蘭(Creative NZ)邀請,至關島參加其於每四年舉辦一次的太平洋藝術節(Festivla of Pacific Arts in Guam)中的Te Manu Ka Tau international visitors programme。受邀為「PULIMA 藝術獎」、「南島國際美術獎」、「原民會藝術工作者駐村計畫」等評審委員。


相關文論發表於《藝術認證》、《藝術家》、《典藏—今藝術》、《藝術新聞》、《美育月刊》、《中國時報》、Pacific Arts: The Journal of the Pacific Arts Association, The Festivl of Pacific Arts: Celebrfating over 40 years of Cultural Heritage及策展之展覽專輯中。

Tseng is currently an Senior researcher at the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (KMFA). She received her BA from the Department of Applied Arts at Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan and MA from the Graduate School of Art Education at Michigan State University in the US.

The special research-oriented exhibitions she curated include WAWA: Art in the Contemporary Pacific, Boundary Narratives:Dulan Impression, Boundary Narratives: A memory of Light by Sakuliu vs. The Space of Fifty Steps by Rahic Talif, Everything Ends! The World Can Wait! Beyond the Boundary: Contemporary Indigenous Art of Taiwan, The Great Journey—In Pursuit of the Ancestral Realm, Lin Hsin Yueh: Magical Light and Shadow in Nature, Nostalgia in the Vast Universe: Commemorative Exhibition of Chen Cheng-po, Sound of Tranquility: A Retrospective of Liu Chi-hsiang, Media is Everything: Art of Lu Ming-te and Su Hsin-yi: Vicissitudes of Life and the Epic of Industry. She was invited to serve as one of the judges for the Pulima Art Award and sit on several committees of major art-related events such as the Preparation Committee and the Judging Committee for the 2012 Austronesian International Art Award, the Evaluation/Selection Committee for the “Management Program of the Aboriginal Artists-in-residence Projects of the Council of Indigenous Peoples”, and the implementation teams and evaluation/selection committees of several national programs of public artwork competitions. She was recommended to and appointed as a specialist on public art and visual art by the Ministry of Culture in Taiwan.

Her essays and articles are published in publications such as Pacific Arts:The Journal of the Pacific Arts Association, Art Accrediting, ARTCO Monthly, CANS, Art Education Monthly, China Times and several exhibition catalogues. She is the author of Life Journey and Art of Liu Chi-hsiang , Liu Chi-hsiang:Mature and the catalogs of exhibition she curated.


804 高雄市鼓山區美術館路80號
週二至週日 11:00 - 18:00


Email: servicemail2@kmfa.gov.tw
Phone: +886 (7) 555-0331
Fax: +886 (7) 555-0307