KSpace:Dream River—Bobby Chen, Chih-wei Huang, Loïc Hsiao

2022.10.08 - 2022.12.04 KMFA gallery B01

Curated by Chih-wei Huang

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, three middle-aged old friends—a well-known singer-songwriter who wants to realize his dream of being a painter, a contemporary artist who is shaping his career filled with slashes, and a comic master who created the Sword Finger art style—got a chance to get together talking about their childish dreams and to gather their paintings with adult innocence in an art exhibition entitled “Dream River.”
“Dream River” seems poetic, but is concerned with dreams of men, their lust and the by-past time.  The dreams are in fact naughty boys’ nightmares since time has always been the enemy of childishness.  The three middle-aged boys who resist to grow up would like to take advantage of the privileges of being willful and free, which are granted to art creators, to swim in the “Dream River.”  Therefore, their sense of humor, their weird but interesting ideas, their stubborn refusal, etc. are all put in this river with the blues.  Then, from the reflection in the “Dream River,” people would see the somewhat erotic cuteness in the dream-like paintings by Bobby Chen, the sunny, playful and cheesy taste of southern folk customs in the contemporary aesthetics of Chih-wei Huang and the spirit of martial arts instilled into the cartoon characters through the sword-like finger brushwork of Loïc Hsiao.

Supported by Bureau of Culture Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government
Organized by Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts