
哈拿 ‧ 葛琉

為找回自我,擴展更多的創作能量於2017年在都蘭正式成立Hana’s Box工作室;為回饋部落成立「藍調織女」,與部落婦女共同學習並將織繡工藝傳承延續。


天羅地網 (Trap between Sky and Earth)

藍調織女 A’talan Team Members
鄭玉花 Miko Lihom
陳美惠 Cimiko Caki
施翠美 Fuyuko
余玫玲 Isak 

Hana Keliw

Hana Keliw is an Amis artist from the Dulan Village of Taitung. She uses the traditional Amis weaving art as the foundation to extend her thinking about indigenous cultures, ecological environments, and social/cultural issues. Since her Totems in Memory, a tapestry mural project commissioned by the National Tax Bureau in Taitung in 2001, she has been continuing her practice of weaving art for nearly 20 years.
Whatever media she uses, be it steel bars, driftwood, rocks or bamboos…, Hana’s works are always marked with intense expression composed of many tender and resilient lines. In response to the continuous impact of land development projects along the eastern coast of Taiwan, her works particularly focus on the connections between humanity and environment.
To find her own self and expand her creative energy, she established the Hana’s Box studio in Dulan. She also established “A’talan” as her contribution back to her village by learning and passing down the art of traditional indigenous weaving and embroidery together with the other female villagers.




If I could have predicted all the traps along this path,

I think I would still have fun stepping into one or more

and just being the stubborn me deep inside my heart.

主流知識的權利天羅地網,影響我的族群上百年,改變了我們所有的語言與文化,也改變了我們的夢境?被殖民的台灣原住民,學習的是強權的知識文化,自我認同漸漸式微。 時代的進程誰被犧牲了?這個過程我視它為「美麗的錯誤(陷阱)」,時代的變遷轉型正義蹶起,思考我的存在「價值」,我是誰?要往哪裡去? 如今走出來時路,尋找想知、想要的生活,隨行而往在城市與原鄉之間,知識文化多元天羅地網的充斥、左右我們生活,我該尋什麼路回到最初? 回到部落,「身體歸屬」感、自我、群體、夢想、理性、矛盾、衝突…在揉合、磨合,透過集體勞動的儀式,在空間與身體的歸屬尋求一種特殊關係,一個生活的、創作的、身心真正的家

The right to mainstream knowledge is like a ubiquitous trap between sky and earth that has influenced my communities for hundreds of years, changing all our languages and cultures and also changing our dreams. Learning knowledge and cultures of the dominating powers, colonized indigenous peoples in Taiwan are losing their self-identity. Who has been sacrificed in the course of time? I regard this process as “a beautiful mistake (trap)”. In the transitions of time and the rise of transitional justice, we have to think about the “value” of our own existence. Who are we? Where are we going? Walking along the already trodden path, searching for the life we want to know and live, and living between cities and hometown, we are trapped in the ubiquitous trap of mainstream knowledge and cultures with our lives determined by it. Which path should we take to go back to the beginning? Back to the village, to the sense of “physical belonging”, to our own selves, and to the community. Dreams, rationality, conflicts, confrontations… everything is mixed and merged through the ceremony of collective labor to seek a kind of special connection between space and the body, to find a true home of life and artistic creation, a true home for the body and soul.


804 高雄市鼓山區美術館路80號
週二至週日 11:00 - 18:00


Email: servicemail2@kmfa.gov.tw
Phone: +886 (7) 555-0331
Fax: +886 (7) 555-0307