尼誕 ‧ 達給伐歷

尼誕 ‧ 達給伐歷

尼誕 ‧ 達給伐歷(Nitjan Takivalit),出生於屏東排灣族達瓦蘭部落,熟知他的人習慣稱之:達給(Daki)。 長年為部落服務的達給,作品皆透露出對部落、文化濃厚的關愛。擅長多媒材創作,將不同材料結合,讓各種媒材個性融合的恰到好處,近年運用可塑性高的鐵材創造流暢又富有韻律感的造型。達給經歷時代的動盪、環境的變遷,不論是抒寫心情,還是主題創作,作品卻始終保持著本色,使其創作特色獨樹一格。達給連續多次入選Pulima藝術獎,作品除高雄美術館與藝術銀行典藏外,亦多次獲外交部遴選為總統出訪友邦之國家級贈禮。


被遺忘的陷阱 (A Forgotten Trap)

Nitjan Takivalit (Daki)

Born in the Tavadran Village in Pingtung, Nitjan is known as Daki among those who are familiar with him.
Daki has been in service to his village for many years and his deep love for the village and indigenous cultures are reflected in his works. He excels at merging all the characteristics of different kinds of materials and media to the right point. He started recently the use of pliable iron materials to create flowy and abundantly rhythmical forms. Despite the turmoil of time and the changes in the living environment Daki has experienced, he still maintains his true color in his works that express his emotions and in his selection of themes of artistic creation, giving his works unique characteristics and styles. Daki was nominated for the Pulima Art Award several times in a row. His works are not only collected by KMFA and the Art Bank of Taiwan but also selected many times by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as gifts from President of Taiwan to friendly nations during the President’s state visits.







Can we build an ideal mouse trap?
Hopefully, there are more opportunities of survival beyond calculation over there—in love (note: in the name of love).

When I was six, my father started teaching me the tips on trap making. To become a good indigenous hunter, the first priority is to not only become familiar with the characteristics of animals, such as their footprints, species, traveling paths, and eating/resting time but also, more importantly, to have a heart of “respect, gratitude, and sharing”.

Senior indigenous members who had stayed in the cities told me, “Many things in the cities are fake and dangerous. They are traps that will catch you and sell you to bad guys. They are not what you have imagined. You will know that after you grow up….” What they said reminded me of the traps my father taught me to set up. My heart sunk consequently. (A statement by the artist)

Many years have passed since I returned to the village. Now touching my own land, the land passed down to me after so many generations, I think all I can do is to commemorate my father and express my respect and gratitude to nature for everything it gives us through this work. This work is like planting a seed in my heart and inspiring me to review once again what a trap is about and see once again how I learned, fell into a trap, and then jumped out of it. 


804 高雄市鼓山區美術館路80號
週二至週日 11:00 - 18:00


Email: servicemail2@kmfa.gov.tw
Phone: +886 (7) 555-0331
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