巴豪嵐 ‧ 吉嵐

巴豪嵐 ‧ 吉嵐



(An Inch before the Trap)

Chi-Lan Pa Hao Lan

Chi-Lan Pa Hao Lan is an artist of Paiwan ethnicity. He returned to his cultural roots after he came of age. His indigenous name is a combination of his mother’s family name and his maternal grandfather’s first name. Based on themes originating from the tribal ceremonies, myths, and legends, he uses diverse media to create paintings, sculptures, and ceramic works that convey his representation of the world of indigenous deities and ancestral spirits. His paintings are dramatic with a strong contrast between light and shadow in his depiction of scenarios that can intensively strike a chord of viewers’ hearts. His works not only demonstrate rich imagination and energy of life but also demonstrate deep reflection upon our damage to the environment in our own interests.
He used to work as an illustration artist and participated in several solo exhibitions, joint exhibitions, and artist-in-residence programs. He was once nominated for the 1st and 2nd Pulima Art Awards. In recent years, he participated in special exhibitions such as Inner Revolution and Deft Hands, Indigenous Insights.





If the underprivileged are the preys, then the privileged are the hunters. Unfortunately, the preys have lost their original beliefs and been imposed upon new value systems, which do not align with the core of theirs both inside and outside. However, they are still forced to discard what they originally had just in order to survive in between all the hunters. This unfortunate condition is the worst trap. 
The term, Pakelang, refers to a space that separates the before and after periods of a ceremony. The action of eating fish represents the creation of this space by following the ritual. Before drowning, the priest in the green space (representing the secular domain) still manages to hold up his hand and call out for help from deities and spirits, trying to continue the core of ancient cultural values. The school of fish in the blue space (representing the sacred domain) intuitively swims to the weak call for help from the summoner in distress. Pakelang is a space of heart-warming sadness….


804 高雄市鼓山區美術館路80號
週二至週日 11:00 - 18:00


Email: servicemail2@kmfa.gov.tw
Phone: +886 (7) 555-0331
Fax: +886 (7) 555-0307