尼古拉 ‧ 莫雷

中文(翻譯: 陳泓易)

尼古拉 ‧ 莫雷



(Immersion, a contemporary history of the twenty-first century)

Nicolas Mole

An artist of Kanak descent in New Caledonia. Even though born in France, he has been very proactive in exploring Kanak culture since his trip back to his roots. He moved and settled down in New Caledonia in 2011. He mainly uses digital creation as his artistic rhetoric. From his works, viewers can appreciate his rich, strong and poetic passion toward the culture of his ancestors.

尼古拉.莫雷Nicolas Mole

我是個島民,傍海而居。在家中,我便可望海及聽海,知道是否漲潮、退潮或湧浪。我偶爾出海捕魚爲食,在海中洗滌身心。我的族人也住在海邊,位於太平洋的利福島(Lifou Island)。我的祖先與海洋之間一直存在密切的關係,認爲海洋是一個整體。他們當初划着獨木舟,依循航線在這些島嶼中遷移並開枝散葉。我們依然跟海洋有着連結,但我們意識到現今因爲氣候變化,我們的環境已陷入危機。人類活動占大多因素所產生的全球暖化,讓我們視野之外的冰雪消融,導致我們列島的海平面上升。現在,我們太平洋島民正目睹這些改變,海岸線變化、魚類及其他海洋生物消失以及珊瑚礁白化。這些正在進行及未來的改變直接影響我們,我也不能倖免。



I'm an islander, I live by the sea. From my house, I see the sea, I hear it, I know if it's high tide or tidelow, whether there is swell or not. From time to time, I go fishing for food, other times I bathe there to cleanse my body and mind. My tribe is located by the sea, on the island of Lifou in the Pacific Ocean. My ancestors have always had a close relationship with the ocean, considering it as a whole. They arrived on canoes on these islands, connecting them to the other by sea lanes. We are still connected to this ocean. But today, because of climate change, we are aware that this environment is in danger. Global warming, due in large part to human activity, accelerates the melting of ice away from our sight, leading to sea level rise in our archipelagos. Today, we Pacific people are seeing this change, the transformation of the coastline, the disappearance of fish and other marine animals, the bleaching of corals. We are directly affected by these ongoing and future changes. I'm affected too.

Climate change is causing upheaval straining humans, plants, animals and ecosystems. The ocean is dying, engulfing our islands, emptying of its fish. At the time, of the over-exploitation of our resources, of consuming more, of producing more, of ever faster, we have forgotten the time of nature. The one she put into building that fragile balance of life. But are we really aware of the damage that our actions will cause?

For the Kaohsiung International Container Arts Festival, my work transports the audience to this world in the middle of a mud-down. He himself will be the actor of his destiny, but be careful not to be caught in his own trap.


804 高雄市鼓山區美術館路80號
週二至週日 11:00 - 18:00


Email: servicemail2@kmfa.gov.tw
Phone: +886 (7) 555-0331
Fax: +886 (7) 555-0307