瑪籟 ‧ 瑪卡卡如萬

瑪籟 ‧ 瑪卡卡如萬

瑪籟 ‧ 瑪卡卡如萬,台東下賓朗部落卑南族人,成長於花蓮、台東,長年往返於部落與都市之間,早期常藉由個人網站創作發表,抒發原住民年輕人在都市工作、生活時的感受。2009年參與原住民藝術工作者駐村計畫,將傳統卑南服飾的十字繡法,數位化整理成部落傳統衣飾配色手冊,相信創作就是一個展現自身存在意義的過程。


Vaavaaw 讓心跳著
(Keep the Heart Beating)

Malay Makakazuwan

Malay.Makakazuwan is a Puyuma artist from the Pinaski Village in Taitung. She grew up in Hualien and Taitung and spent years traveling between her indigenous village and cities. In her early days as an artist, she used her personal website to present her works and express the feelings of her own working and living in the city as a young indigenous woman. When she participated in the 2009 Indigenous Artist-in-Residence Program, she digitalized the traditional Puyuma techniques of cross-stitching and compiled a color matching manual for traditional Puyuma attires. She believes that artistic creation is a process of demonstrating the meanings of her own existence.
In 2012, she won the Grand Prize of the Austronesian International Arts Award and she was selected as one of the artists of on-site creation for the Taiwan East Coast Land Art Festival in 2015. In 2016, she won the Excellence Award of the Austronesian International Arts Award with her work, Vetsik. In 2017, she joined the Taiwan East Coast Land Art Festival again and the joint exhibition, Hiding in the Island, at MOCA Taipei. In 2018, she invited TAI Body Theater to work with her in the creation of Migration-Territory-Identity series, broadening her installation art to different dimensions.

延續去年創作計畫「遷移-領域-身分」移動概念,從自我生命經驗到思索族群遷移時面臨的時空。「dingding(鍋牛)和石板陷阱」意象說明原住民當代的處境,背負著重擔(文化與生存)的人們,來往在遷移返回部落的路為著生命與族群延續下去。 在文化商品化的交易中,文化意涵不斷地經過大量複製、符號化而逐漸空洞化、單一化。經過製造、生產也脫離其獨特性與「此時此地」的在場性。而我們的生活、物質需求也緊密的依賴著全球資本市場的,是存活的機緣卻也是陷阱。


The work is an extension of the concept of migration in the series of Migration-Territory-Identity last year, drawing inspirations from examples of migration in her own life experiences. The image of “dingding (snail) and stone slab trap” describes the contemporary conditions of indigenous peoples. Carrying heavy burdens (of cultural tradition and seeking survival) on their backs, indigenous peoples nowadays travel back and forth between their villages and cities to ensure continuation of their lives and communities. The various temptations and traps from the outside world are like a knife. If they use the knife to cut off the ropes between them and their “burdens” (cultural roots), is it a kind of relief from the burdens or abandonment of self-identity?

The artist also conducted field trips to traditional indigenous villages and video recorded the whole process of her interviews and research. The video records will be played inside the exhibition space to express the artist’s thoughts and discussions about the subjectivity of indigenous people; issues about self-identity from within and without; memories of indigenous peoples’ migration under colonial rule from where their ancestors lived to where they are currently living; and future possibilities for them.


804 高雄市鼓山區美術館路80號
週二至週日 11:00 - 18:00


Email: servicemail2@kmfa.gov.tw
Phone: +886 (7) 555-0331
Fax: +886 (7) 555-0307