尤瑪 ‧ 達陸

尤瑪 ‧ 達陸

尤瑪 ‧ 達陸,泰雅族人,2016年由文化部頒發重要傳統藝術暨文化資產保存技術保存者認證。


線・阱 (線性時間的陷阱)
Trap of Linear Time

Yuma Taru

Yuma Taru, an Atayal artist. In 2016, she was given the title by the Ministry of Culture as one of the preservers of important heritage of traditional arts and cultures in Taiwan.Her art is based on traditional indigenous cultures, starting from her research of traditional Atayal textiles with a focus on the characteristics of threads made of traditional and contemporary materials.
She spent 30 years conducting field trips to over 100 Atayal villages. She also went to museums abroad to study traditional indigenous attires, trying to revive already lost handicraft techniques and memories. She attempts to continue and pass down the indigenous tradition by systematically categorizing her research findings; promoting the growing of fiber plants used for indigenous textile production; reviving the art of traditional indigenous textiles; and studying and reproducing the textiles in museums. She is dedicated to combining education of indigenous peoples and contemporary fiber art, planting the seeds of future hopes for the indigenous dyeing and weaving art in Taiwan. 

雷凱 ‧ 津宜
Maori & English

中文 (翻譯: 若若)

雷凱 ‧ 津宜

Kingi 1978年出生於羅托魯瓦(Rotorua)並在當地成長求學,16歲時加入紐西蘭軍隊,日後成爲裝甲部隊的坦克駕駛員。他曾經在日本主題樂園從事表演工作,在澳洲從事礦業工作。他於旅居國外期間,遇到因對自身文化歷史缺乏認識而對身份認同感到彷徨的毛利人,促使21歲的他回到紐西蘭,並將畢生心力奉獻給毛利傳統文化。Kingi偏好以木材進行創作,其作品靈感一方面來自於歷代祖先所創造並傳承下來的文化、設計及圖樣,另一方面也來自於他從小活躍在毛利部落中的生命經驗。

Rakei Kingi

Born in Rotorua in 1978 where I attended school until the age of 16, I had a goal to join the New Zealand Army and was accepted into the Armoured Corp as a tank driver. In 1997 I moved to Japan to work as a farm show presenter in a German theme park and in 1999 I moved to Australia in the pursuit of the mining industry. 21 years old at the time, I felt the urge to return to New Zealand and devote my life to Maori principles. The mediums I work with include: native New Zealand woods, stone, plastics and metals. Inspiration for my art works derives from the designs and patterns that were developed and perfected by my ancestors and the reasons behind such works. Inspiration is also drawn from my experiences of being active within the Maori community since childhood. I tend to work within the boundaries of traditional tribal styles and rarely develop my own unique forms and patterns.

原住民祖先古老的傳統生活中,是透過感受外在世界的持續和變化,如觀測星辰日月的移動或是生物和環境的親近,之後將觀察的現象融合在語言和生活作息之中,逐漸累積成獨特的文化和時間,因此不依賴計時器和曆法發展了時間的網絡,但自古以來與時間有關的討論幾乎都與變化有關且緊密關連,若我們意識不到變化,不論是過去或是未來都和「現在」很難區別了。 因此時間它是一個陷阱,也是一種「線.阱」,無論線性的時間觀還是另一種被揶揄、調侃的所謂「原住民的時間」有著根本上的不同,而這些不同便是傳統與當代概念中不時出現的「陷阱」與「線阱」令人陷落、茫然…但這也是文化中的現象。


In their traditional lifestyle, the ancestors of indigenous people in Taiwan incorporated what they observed from the continuities and changes in the outside world, such as the movements of the sun, moon, stars or the creatures in their surroundings, into their languages and rhythms of life. They gradually formed their unique cultures and a system of timekeeping that did not rely on any timer or calendar. All the discussions about time since antiquity all closely involve the presence of changes. If we are not aware of changes, it will be very difficult to distinguish “the present” from the past or the future.

Therefore, time itself is a trap, a trap of linearity. The so-called “indigenous time”, which has been a term of derision and ridicule, is different in essence from the linear time. Such a difference is as entrapping and disorienting as the trap in its traditional and contemporary sense…. However, this itself is also a kind of cultural phenomenon. Cultures are accumulated, cultivated, and formed over time and then deconstructed, reconstructed, reborn, and changed…. This is what indigenous artists have to face and struggle with in their artistic creation.


804 高雄市鼓山區美術館路80號
週二至週日 11:00 - 18:00


Email: servicemail2@kmfa.gov.tw
Phone: +886 (7) 555-0331
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