魯碧 ‧ 司瓦那

魯碧 ‧ 司瓦那

魯碧 ‧ 司瓦那 ,綽號豆豆,來自台東的阿美族藝術家,本是櫥窗設計師的魯碧,2002年與十數位東部原住民藝術工作者以「歸零」的生活態度,在金樽海灘與漂流木進行對話創作,為「意識部落」的靈魂人物。魯碧擅長將漂流木與各種差異材質結合,順應媒材本身的形體印記,營造充滿隱喻和象徵性的風格。對魯碧來說,生活就是藝術的展演場,把自己的生命活出美感,那也是藝術的一種形式。2016年參與《植物新樂園》聯展,為Pulima藝術獎邀請展藝術家;2017年參與東海岸大地藝術節,創作裝置藝術〈美麗的陷阱—玫瑰蔓延〉。


小♥ 魯碧的陷阱... (Beware of Roby…)

Roby Swana

Ruby Swana, nicknamed Doudou, is an Amis artist from Taitung. She was originally a window display designer. In 2002, she went together with a dozen of indigenous artists from eastern Taiwan, who shared the life attitude of “return to zero”, to the beach of Jinzun in Taitung and had dialogues with one another by creating works using driftwood. This group of artists were later known as the “Consciousness Tribe” with Ruby as one of its key figures. Ruby excels at combing driftwood with different kinds of materials in line with the natural forms and characteristics of the materials to create works of a style rich in metaphors and symbolic meanings. To her, life is the stage of arts and living one’s life with a sense of aesthetics is also a form of arts. She participated in the joint exhibition, A New Botanic Paradise, in 2016 and was invited to join the Pulima Art Award exhibition. In 2017, she joined the Taiwan East Coast Land Arts Festival with her installation work, A Beautiful Trap—Sprawling Roses.


804 高雄市鼓山區美術館路80號
週二至週日 11:00 - 18:00


Email: servicemail2@kmfa.gov.tw
Phone: +886 (7) 555-0331
Fax: +886 (7) 555-0307